There are several positions on the Northport Arts Association Board of Directors open for election for the 2021-2023 term.    
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member at Large

Being a board member provides you the opportunity to make a difference in the Northport Arts Community.  The time with fellow art and community enthusiasts is energizing and fun.  We’ve come a long way in a few years and we’re looking forward to building our organization with the new Clay Works Pottery Studio coming in 2022, hopefully hiring an Executive Art Director and developing long term strategy for the organization.  

If you enjoy the arts and working with others, we hope you’ll consider nominating for a position.  

NAA Board Member Elections:
With all the challenges in 2020, the Board voted to move the election to later in the year. This is continuing in 2021 and new Board members will take their positions in January 2022. Please review the information below and let us know your interest in becoming a Board member

Open Positions for Election:
-       The Board must have a President, Secretary and Treasurer as separate individuals.
-       The Board is a working Board. Each Board member will assume responsibility as a Chairperson of a standing committee or as a leader of a major project.
-       Board members must attend Board and Member meetings
-       Read and develop an understanding of the current organizational by-laws

Vice President
In the absence of the President, Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President, and in so doing shall have all authority and powers of, and be subject to all of the restrictions on, the President.
-       Preside over all membership and Board meetings
-       Execute contracts on behalf of the organization
-       Supervise and conduct all activities and operations of the NAA, subject to the control, advice and consent of the Board of Directors.
-       Keep the Board completely informed, shall freely consult with them in relation to all activities of the NAA, and shall see that all resolutions of the Board are carried out.
-       Work with the Treasurer to account for all finances of the corporation.

The Secretary shall record and publish minutes of all Board and member meetings. The Secretary shall be the custodian of all records and documents of the NAA, which are required to be kept accessible either in hard copy at the office of the NAA or online. The Secretary shall serve all notices of the NAA.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for adequate and accurate accounts of all the properties and business transactions of the organization. The Treasurer shall give an accounting of all transactions and of the financial condition of NAA to the Board and members.

2-3 At Large Positions
Members at large serve as a liaison between the board of directors and the rest of the organization. There are no specific duties beyond Board Member expectation listed above, and the role may change according to need.

Current Board of Directors:
– Betsy Ernst, serving first full term through 2022.
Vice President – Mimi Heberlein, In first term through 2021. Can run again
Secretary – Doni Lystra has acted as interim Secretary, Position needs to be filled for 2022-2024
Treasurer – Sandy Dhuyvetter has served as Treasurer since 2018. Two Titled terms have been completed.
At Large – Chris Woomer, serving second term through 2022
At Large – Lydia Woodruff, serving second term through 2022.
At Large – Sheen Watkins, serving first term through 2021. Can run again
At Large – Doni Lystra, completing a mid-term through 2021. Can run again
At LargeOpen

October 30
-       Submit your application for a board position along with a profile of your experience, qualifications and how you would benefit the organization.
-       Submit your interest even if you are running for your current position.
-       Any member in good standing may run for a Board position.
-       Send your profile to

November 8
-       The full list of candidates and their profiles shall be made known to the general membership via email.
-       Members meeting via Zoom will be scheduled. Those running for position will present how they will fulfill their position. Members may ask questions of the candidates
-       If there are opposing candidates for position, voting will be online for a limited time after the meeting.
- Online voting is not anonymous. Two people will be assigned to count votes.
-       If there are no opposing candidates Board and Membership will pass or stop candidates with Yeah or Nea votes during the Zoom meeting.

January 1
-       New members are on the Board