Don Spezia
Influenced by the elements of nature...
I have been interested in photography, since acquiring my first 35mm camera. Photographs usually include nature, wildlife, architecture, moments in time, motion, and landscapes. My favorite photographs are outdoors, influenced by the elements of nature. A photograph of something unplanned will will find me, instead of me finding a photograph of something I was hoping to capture.
I shoot 35mm digital with a Canon 90D, a number of lenses; and an occasional iPhone 8 photograph.
I had been a member of the West Shore Camera Club (Muskegon, MI), from 2003 to 2010. I served on the Board as Secretary/Newsletter Editor most of those years.
I have had photographs accepted for showing at various juried Art Exhibits, including a Purchase award at the Muskegon Museum of Art, and various Honorable Mentions at a number of exhibits. The latest was an Honorable Mention for “Abstract Matters” category at 311 Gallery in Raleigh, NC.
I have worked as an Architect as my career and retired to part time in 2017. Other activities include playing and writing original guitar instrumentals. My photography has been used in the CD case design in all of my 8 different music CD's. More information can be found on my website: