8/12 Jennifer Tobias: Still Life to Abstraction

from $160.00

Monday, August 12, 2024 from 10am - 2pm

Open to all skill levels

Starting from a still life and study of Masters of Abstraction, we will explore: What abstraction is; work on exercises in drawing and painting loosely; create gestural work; and, push our paintings into further abstraction using extra media (paint pens, collage, etc.)

supply list coming soon

Non-Member course fee includes a 1yr, individual membership to the NAA.
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Jennifer Tobias - Representational Colorist

“I work in acrylic and oil paint, along with oil pastels. Most of my work is representational; i either start with an actual image, or imagine one, but the exact reproduction of the image is never my goal. I seek to explore the emotional tone of the image, through saturated color and stylized form. Abstract works start with free forms and movement. I do not limit abstraction to pure form, but rather enjoy discovering the unconscious representations that derive from laying down the paint.”

I work both in Chicago (Constellation Studio) and Michigan (Ten Blossom Studio, Old Mission,) as well as onsite, plein air painting in any locale. My background is in languages, law, interior design, and the creation and ownership of home decor stores: (La Belle Provence; Glorie Be; Bondurant.) I have studied at palette and chisel, Old Town Art Center , the Art House and Lillstreet Art Center (Chicago,) and with Elizabeth Pollie (Harbor Springs, MI,) Mark Daniel Nelson (Denver, CO,) Brenda J. Clark (Suttons Bay, MI,) and Rebecca George (The Art House.) My work reflects places in my life, from native South Dakota, to Michigan, Chicago and Southern France. A strong affinity for nature, light, color and humor plays out in my paintings.

Supply List coming soon