7/15 & 7/29 Small Sculptures & Masks

from $108.12

Tuesday, July 15 and 29, from 1 - 4pm

Intermediate, Adults
This handbuilding class will be an opportunity for students to work in clay to create sculpural art pieces, learn the basics of sculpture to gain confidence in creating amazing sculptures and / or masks. Start small or go big, you will learn it all. Try something new!

NAA Member $108.12 (includes $12 lab fee for 2lbs. clay, glaze and two firings)
Non NAA Member $143.12 (includes a 1yr NAA membership, value $35 & $12 lab fee for 2lbs. clay, glaze and two firings).

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Tuesday, July 15 and 29, from 1 - 4pm

Intermediate, Adults
This handbuilding class will be an opportunity for students to work in clay to create sculpural art pieces, learn the basics of sculpture to gain confidence in creating amazing sculptures and / or masks. Start small or go big, you will learn it all. Try something new!

NAA Member $108.12 (includes $12 lab fee for 2lbs. clay, glaze and two firings)
Non NAA Member $143.12 (includes a 1yr NAA membership, value $35 & $12 lab fee for 2lbs. clay, glaze and two firings).

Tuesday, July 15 and 29, from 1 - 4pm

Intermediate, Adults
This handbuilding class will be an opportunity for students to work in clay to create sculpural art pieces, learn the basics of sculpture to gain confidence in creating amazing sculptures and / or masks. Start small or go big, you will learn it all. Try something new!

NAA Member $108.12 (includes $12 lab fee for 2lbs. clay, glaze and two firings)
Non NAA Member $143.12 (includes a 1yr NAA membership, value $35 & $12 lab fee for 2lbs. clay, glaze and two firings).